How to Record Fees from Credit Cards in Accounting Software?

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The various features that Accounting Software offers undoubtedly make it the most astounding tool for business and finance. This is a tool that is most helpful in getting smaller businesses organized and accurate work in an efficient amount of time. Accounting Software users will vouch for its credibility. The reason is because Accounting Software saves your time in a number of ways. Accounting Software can record and memorize and save memos in templates for all transactions and keep it as a journal entry for you to keep track.

Keeping track record of fees from credit cards in Accounting Software is more of a sales process. Entering credit card payments and fees cut for processing can be put into Accounting Software for future tracking. You can put this into the invoice created in Accounting Software to provide to your customer and for yourself for future reference.

Tip#1: Best method to create Accounting Software invoice from word and select the correct one for your needs.

Credit Cards & Accounting Software

Small business mostly use credits cards for their transactions. They are very useful in tracking records of expenditure and their whereabouts. Accounting systems such as Accounting Software are especially helpful in managing day to day finances. Thus Accounting Software plays an important role because it is necessary to keep track of tax deductions and other factors while using credit cards.

There are few ways you can operate Accounting Software to record fees from Credit cards in Accounting Software file. You need to use the check writing function for this. The best way to deal with this is that you pay full amount after every month.You have to also have a different account for this purpose. This follows the same method as transaction through ATMs. You can put in the numbers manually into Accounting Software or download them using net banking. But no matter which method you choose, keep in mind that all the charges are recorded separately. To help during taxation, all the expenses have to be categorized separately. This is to keep the balance of profit and loss clear.

This way you can keep your entire transactions efficiently into one place using Accounting Software file. Of course you need to handle very carefully when you are doing payments using credit cards and keeping their individual track is a very important factor.

Tip#2: The easiest way to handle cash payments in Accounting Software or withdrawals when entering expenses.

Why You Need Accounting Software Tech Assistance?

If even after this your doubts are not cleared then you can always call Accounting Software customer service phone number which has provided Assistance for each of its products and you can contact them through phone. You will get all the help you need by tell call and guidance. Feel free to call anytime of the day.


1. How do I record Customer Payment Credit Card charges?

The deposit transaction is created to record the charges of credit card and also record expenses in the negative account. The steps are:-

? First of all, open the Accounting Software account
? Then click on the + icon to add or create the new one
? In the Others option, click on the Bank Deposits option
? Enter the deposit and then click on the Credit Card Fees in Account
? In the Amount, provide the value that is negative 
? In the end, click on the Save and Close option.

2. How can I record a credit card fee when we were charged a fee by merchant services?

The credit card fee is entered manually in your Accounting Software account by adding a line item on the invoice of the customer. For this, there is a process that you have to follow. The process is as follows:-

? In Accounting Software Desktop Account
? Click on the empty line under the product and Service column in the invoice transaction
? Now click on the Services and then in Name field, provide the description of this fee 
? Click on the button Save and Close
? When you are done then provide the rate
? After that again click on the Save and Close button.

3. How to record the payment of a credit card done through bank transfer?

? First of all, click on the + icon to create New transfer in Accounting Software
? Click on the Transfer option that is mention under Other
? In the drop-down menu of the Transfer Funds From field
? Click on the bank account from which the credit card payment was done
? In the drop-down menu of the Transfer Funds To field
? Select the credit card where the payment is sent
? The payment amount needs to be mentioned in the Transfer amount field
? The date can be edited if required 
? In the memo provide the notes
? Then click on the button Save and close.